Tips for staying on track with your studies#

Know Your Degree Requirements#

  • Use the Programs and Courses website to understand your degree program requirements. Ensure you are following the program requirements for the academic year that you commenced your degree.
  • For more guidance about how to use Programs and Courses website, please refer to the documents Planning Your Program and How to use Programs and Courses.
  • Be aware of additional requirements, such as capstone projects, work experience, 1000-level course limit (undergraduate programs only) and 6000/8000-level course requirements (postgraduate programs only).

Create a Study Plan#

  • Refer to the “Study Options” section under the “Study” tab and the “First Year Advice” tab on the Programs and Courses website, and create your personalised study plan.
  • Confirm course availability and scheduling. Due to unforeseen reasons, course availability and scheduling may change at the last minute. You can find approved course substitutions on the course substitutions website. We recommend you review your study plan each semester and adjust the study plan accordingly.
  • Balance your workload; avoid taking all challenging courses at once. Consider your strengths and weaknesses when creating your study plan.
  • If you are in a Flexible Double Degree program, you can utilise the “Degree Builder” function on the Programs and Courses website. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to completing a double degree. Some students do both degrees simultaneously, while others focus on one before the second. If a course meets the requirements for both degrees (double-counting), ensure you complete an eligible replacement course to fill the space left by double counting.

Be Aware of Prerequisites#

  • Identify courses with prerequisites and plan accordingly.
  • Complete foundational courses before advancing to more complex ones.

Explore Subplans (Majors, Minors, and Specialisations)#

  • Some programs require you to complete a compulsory major or specialisation. If you still have space left, you can consider completing an optional subplan (major, minor, or specialisation).
  • Ensure the courses from the optional subplan also align with your degree requirements.
  • To ensure you are awarded the majors, minors and/or specialisations you are eligible for, please follow the instructions on this website to register them on ISIS.

Tailor your study plan to align with your interests and career aspirations#

Seek Advice#

  • You are welcome to contact CECC Student Services for any questions and concerns regarding course selection, prerequisites, overall degree planning and so on. When seeking advice, it’s recommended having your study plan with you, even if it’s just a draft.
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