CECC support services

CECC Student Services are here to provide support, advice and referral to relevant services for students throughout the life of their degree.

This includes helping students to:

  • understand their program requirements (including academic progression and graduation checks).
  • access co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities, including exchange and study abroad and Work Integrated Learning (e.g. Internships and Work Experience).
  • seek course enrolment support (including adding and withdrawing from courses, applying for credit and permission codes, third time enrolments, reduced study load, program transfers, etc.) and general academic advice.
  • understand course and program administrative options when things haven’t gone to plan or you need some extra assistance (including Late Withdrawals, Program Leave, Deferred and Special Exams, Educational Access Plans, etc.)
  • recognise and adhere to university rules, policies and procedures.
  • provide feedback or lodge complaints and concerns to CECC leadership.

If you have any questions or concerns, please come and see the friendly staff in CECC Student Services at Level 2 of the CSIT Building (#108). Student Services Counter is open from Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm (excludes public holidays).

Diversity, Belonging, Inclusion & Equity at CECC

CECC has a dedicated Diversity, Belonging, Inclusion & Equity (DBIE) team. Our DBIE team develops, implements, and evaluates policies and initiatives that build and sustain an inclusive community for all staff and students.

For more information and ways to get involved, check out DBIE at CECC.

Student health, safety and wellbeing

At ANU, we recognise that a healthy university supports student success. Here you will find a number of initiatives, programs and resources that will support your physical, social, spiritual and mental health to help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle during your studies.

  • ANUOK App - ANUOK is the official safety and wellbeing app for our ANU community.
  • Urgent support - There are a wide range of community services available across Australia and locally in the ACT to support student mental health.
  • ANU health, safety and wellbeing - Explore further important information on how to stay safe and secure on campus.
  • ANU Health Service - For medical assistance
  • ANU Counselling Centre - Free and confidential counselling service for students
  • Academic problems, appeals and complaints - Learn about procedures to resolve academic problems, appeals and complaints.
  • ANU Careers Centre
  • Academic Skills and Learning Centre - Whether you are a first year student, a PhD student or somewhere in between, you need to make your own decisions about how you learn and manage your workload. Here you will find people and information to help you do this effectively.
  • ANU Accessibility - Assist students who have a disability, medical condition or who are recognised primary carers of a person with a disability to participate fully in their program of study by providing advice, supports and adjustments that minimise the impact of disability in education.
  • English language support - If English is your second or additional language, you can build on your speaking, writing, reading and listening skills by regularly practising your English. There are many opportunities to keep improving your English while at the ANU

First year students

Set4ANU program - SET4ANU is a free orientation program designed to assist new students make the transition to life at ANU. Students who sign up for the program are assigned a later year student volunteer (called Orientation Leaders) who will help ease you into your first few weeks of life at ANU.

Fifty50 First Year Mentoring Program - The Fifty50 First Year Mentoring Program aims to support first year students studying STEM degrees by providing mentorship, assistance and networking opportunities. Upon joining the program, you will be paired with a like-minded later-year mentor who will be able to share their university experiences with you and provide you with support and advice so that you can get the most out of your studies. As well meetings with your mentor, the program includes a number of events and support through our new online mentoring platform. Fifty50’s goal is to foster an equitable culture in STEM at the ANU that is inclusive of all students, regardless of gender. Check out the Fifty50 Facebook page to sign up and find out more.

Residential and campus communities - ANU offers a broad range of accommodation choices for students, within a diverse and vibrant community.

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