Call for nominations for the CECS Dean’s Awards for Teaching Excellence

Call for nominations for the CECS Dean’s Awards for Teaching Excellence
Call for nominations for the CECS Dean’s Awards for Teaching Excellence

Students and staff in the College of Engineering and Computer Science are invited and encouraged to nominate for the 2013 Dean’s Awards for Teaching Excellence.

Up to four awards are available, with the prize money valued at $2,000 each.

There are three categories of award:

  • Award for Teaching Excellence
  • Award for Excellence in Supervision
  • Award for Contributions that Enhance Student Learning

Staff may nominate and/or be nominated by students and/or other staff. All academic, professional, sessional and adjunct staff of the College, full-time or fractional, standard or fixed-term can nominate or be nominated.

The closing date for receipt of nominations is 31 July 2013. Nominations may be made on the form available on the website or by direct email to Ms Margaret Wigneyin the Dean’s office. All nominations must include a short statement detailing the reasons for the nomination and specifying the category of award.

Please visit the Staff Awardspage for further information.

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