Scholarship to create leaders that make a difference

Scholarship to create leaders that make a difference
Scholarship to create leaders that make a difference

A new scholarship valued at up to $120,000 over two to three years will offer students pursuing research or coursework postgraduate studies a unique opportunity to develop their leadership skills beyond the classroom.

The Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship, which will support students at ANU as well as at a number of other participating universities, includes a nine-month program aimed at building Scholars’ strengths, developing targeted leadership capabilities and creating career pathways to help them succeed in their fields.

Aimed at supporting exceptional students in a diverse range of fields, the Scholarship is focused on attracting those with the potential to make a difference to Australia’s future in three main areas: technology and innovation, strengthening Australia-Asia ties and enabling positive social change.

Dr Angie Kings-Lynne, Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship Ambassador says the Future Leaders scholarship is something to really get excited about.

“With its leadership development program, it’s an incredible opportunity for good leaders to gain experience and training to further their abilities. This experience is something that would have been invaluable when I was doing my PhD,” she said.

Beyond the financial support and leadership program, Scholars will also benefit from joining the Westpac Scholars Alumni program - a rapidly growing network of diverse and inspiring leaders. Westpac Scholars Alumni members will gain lifelong membership, collaboration, learning and development opportunities.

The Scholarship is the second in a number of exciting new initiatives launched by the Westpac Bicentennial Foundation to commemorate Westpac’s 200th anniversary in 2017. Applications for the Westpac Asian Exchange Scholarship, which will be awarded to four ANU students in 2016, were opened earlier this year.

Applications for the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship close 30 September and applicants will be notified by December 2015 of the outcome of their application. Find out more or apply at

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