Information for students

Welcome to the ANU College of Systems and Society (CSS) students’ site.

Whether you are a continuing student or just starting out, this site has resources and information to help you manage your program, get involved in social, academic, and work integrated learning programs, discover a range of learning abroad opportunities and stay well.

CECC Student Services team

Contact us

Introducing Quiet Hour:

Quiet Hour is a designated hour for a low-sensory environment around the CSS Student Service front counter, Level 2, CSIT Building. Following the successful trials during O-Week and Week 1, we will now continue offering quiet hour throughout Semester 2: Every Tuesday 10:30-11:30am.

Please be quiet during this time around the area, and when entering the CSS Student Services area from level 1. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. You can find more information on [Introducing quiet hour](/students/assets/pdfs/Introducing_Quiet_Hour.pdf). If you have any suggestions, please let us know by filling out the anonymous feedback form or emailing

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