Engineering Course Substitutions

  • ENGN4338 is offered in S1, 2024. From 2025, the course is moving to S2. Next offering will be S2, 2025.
    • If you are expecting to complete your program in S1 2025 and ENGN4338 is required, you can take ENGN4902 (pre-reqs waived for students doing Aerospace major), ENGN3224, or ENGN Elective at 3000/4000-level.

Teach-out plans

Master of Engineering in Digital Systems and Telecommunications (NDSTE)

The teach-out program for the NDSTE will involve running all of the current compulsory courses, except for the two listed below:

Core courses not scheduled Approved replacement courses

ENGN8534 – Information Theory

ENGN8535 – Engineering Data Analytics (Sem 1)

ENGN8637 – Adv Topics in Comms & Sig Proc

ENGN6528 – Computer Vision* (Sem 1)

COMP6261 – Information Theory* (Sem 2)

Students who are yet to complete both core courses must complete:

  • ENGN8535 (Engineering Data Analytics) (Sem 1 2021); and either
  • ENGN6528 (Computer Vision) (Sem 1, 2021) or
  • COMP6261 (Information Theory) (Sem 2, 2021).

Students who require only ENGN8534 may complete any of the three replacement courses.

Students who require only ENGN8637 must complete either ENGN8535 or ENGN6528, noting that students who have successfully completed ENGN8534 cannot receive credit for both ENGN8534 and COMP6261.

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Major in Mechanical & Material Systems (MMSY)

The teach-out program for the MMSY consists of three of the current compulsory courses (ENGN3601, ENGN3331 and ENGN4212), a one-for-one replacement (ENGN4810 to replace ENGN4027). It also contains two courses commonly found in mechanical engineering programs (i.e. control systems and fluid mechanics - see note below).

Original courses (as per Major requirements) New/replacement courses (from 2021 onwards)

ENGN2217 - Mechanic Systems and Design

ENGN2217 - Mechanic Systems and Design - No Change

ENGN2222 – Engineering Thermodynamics

ENGN2222 – Engineering Thermodynamics - No Change

ENGN3331 – System Dynamics

ENGN3331 – System Dynamics (Sem1) - No change

ENGN3601 – Engineering Materials

ENGN3339 – Aerospace Structures and Materials (Sem 1) - replacement from 2023 onwards

ENGN4027 – Sustainable Nanomaterials (S1)

ENGN4810 – Nanotechnology & Applications (Sem 2) - Direct Replacement for ENGN 4027

ENGN4212 – Manufacturing Technologies

ENGN4212 – Manufacturing Technologies (Sem 2) - No change

ENGN4511 – Composite Materials (S2)

^ENGN3224 – Fluid Mechanics & Heat Transfer (Sem 1) - Option 1 for ENGN 4511/4615

ENGN4615 – Finite Element Analysis (S2)

#ENGN3223 – Control Systems (Sem 2) - Option 2 for ENGN 4511/4615

  • Students who require only ENGN4511 may choose to complete either ENGN3223 or ENGN3224.
  • Students who require only ENGN4615 may also choose to complete either ENGN3223 or ENGN3224.

However, it is important to note that ENGN3223 or ENGN3224 cannot be double counted to replace both ENGN4511 and ENGN4615 in your MMYS Major. To remove any doubt, if you still have ENGN4511 and ENGN4615 to complete (as per the old rules), you will need to complete both ENGN3223 and ENGN3224 to ensure that you have completed the required 48 units of coursework for the Major.

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Major in Biomedical Systems (BMSY)

The teach-out program for the BMSY involves six of the current compulsory courses (BIOL 1004, plus ENGN 2217, 2222, 3820, 4810, and 4820). It also contains two courses commonly found in biomedical engineering (control systems and fluid mechanics – see note below).

Original courses (as per Major requirements) New/replacement courses (from 2021 onwards)

BIOL1004 – Bio 2: Molecular & Cellular Biology

BIOL1004 – Bio 2: Molecular & Cellular Biology (Sem 2) - No Change

ENGN2217 - Mechanic Systems and Design

ENGN2217 - Mechanic Systems and Design - No change

ENGN2222 – Engineering Thermodynamics

ENGN2222 – Engineering Thermodynamics - No change

ENGN3810/ ENGN4811 – Biomechanics & Biomaterials (S1)

#ENGN3223 – Control Systems (Sem 2) - Option 1 for ENGN 3810/4811 or ENGN 4821

ENGN3820 – Biomedical Imaging

MEDN3820 Biomedical Imaging: Principles, Technologies and Applications in Health Sciences - replacement from Sem 2 2022 onwards

ENGN4810 – Nanotechnology & Applications

ENGN4810 – Nanotechnology & Applications (Sem 2) - No Change

ENGN4820 – BioMEMS & BioNEMS

ENGN4820 – BioMEMS & BioNEMS (Sem 2) - No Change

ENGN4821 - Biomedical Signal Processing (not planned to be offered until 2022)

^ENGN3224 – Fluid Mechanics & Heat Transfer (Sem 1) - Option 2 for ENGN 3810/4811 or ENGN4821

  • Students who require only ENGN 3810/4811 may choose to complete either ENGN3223 or ENGN3224.
  • Students who require only ENGN4821 may also choose to complete either ENGN3223 or ENGN3224.

However, it is important to note that ENGN3223 or ENGN3224 cannot be double counted to replace both ENGN 3810/4811 and ENGN4821 in your BMYS Major. To remove any doubt, if you still have ENGN3810/4811 and ENGN4821 to complete (as per the old rules), you will need to complete both ENGN3223 and ENGN3224 to ensure that you have completed the required 48 units of coursework for the Major.

ENGN3223 – Control Systems

ENGN3223 will be modified to have application streams appropriate to the different majors. Specifically, examples and exercises are readily available across electrical, chemical, mechanical, and biological systems.

ENGN3224 – Fluid Mechanics & Heat Transfer

ENGN3224 will be augmented with a suite of alternate lectures in the last two weeks of semester to provide information on discipline-specific topics such as biomedical surfaces and their lubrication and application in joints.

Program Change frequently asked questions

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