I need to take more than four courses this semester, how do I do that? 

To take more than four courses in one semester, you will need to apply to overload your enrolment. You may apply using the ‘Manage my Degree’ eForm via ISIS (Main Menu (compass button) > Navigator > ISIS > Degree Management > Manage my Degree).

Please make sure that you meet the eligibility requirements for your specific scenario by visiting the ANU overload your enrolment webpage.

I need to take less than four courses this semester, how do I do that? 

If you are an international student, you must apply to reduce your study load by following the instructions on the ANU reducing your study load webpage.

If you are a domestic student, you may simply enrol in as many courses as you require on ISIS.

Please note that reducing your study load may extend the duration of your degree.

How do I study at a different institution or go on exchange next semester? 

There is a wide range of programs that students can take to study
elsewhere during their degree.

If you wish to study at a different institution for a full semester, going on exchange would be the best option for you. If you are in your first year, please see the ANU PRIMO website for more information. Otherwise, please visit the CECC student exchange website for instructions on how to find a suitable exchange program and how to have equivalent courses approved for credit into your ANU program.

Studying at another Australian university and counting the results towards your ANU program is known as cross-institutional study. Students are not normally enrolled at ANU when studying cross-institutionally, however it is possible (under limited circumstances) to study at another university concurrently with your ANU studies. This is most commonly achieved by combining ANU studies with online courses from another university, or with courses from another Canberra institution. See the ANU Cross-institutional study website for more information.

How do I apply for leave from my studies? 

If you are an international student, you must apply for program leave. You may apply through ISIS by using the ‘Manage my Degree’ eForm via ISIS (Main Menu (compass button) > Navigator > ISIS > Degree Management > Manage my Degree). For more information regarding program leave for international students, please visit the Program leave webpage.

Domestic students who have had effective enrolments in at least one course in their current program need not apply for program leave. They will automatically be placed on program leave if they do not enrol in any courses before the semester’s census date. For more information on program leave for domestic students, please visit the ANU program leave webpage.

How do I calculate my Grade Point Average (GPA)? 

Each course grade you receive at ANU has a Grade Point Value. Your Grade Point Average (GPA) is the average of all these values, weighted by the amount of units each course takes in your program.

To find the Grade Point Values for your course grades and view an example of the calculation methodology, please visit the ANU Grade Point Average website.

Please note that Fail grades will count towards the calculation of your GPA with a Grade Point Value of 0.

I plan on enrolling in a project as part of my degree, what are my options? Where do I start? What if I can't find a supervisor? 

The CECC enrolling in student projects webpage provides a great starting point for students looking for a project and supervisor, as well as information on how to enrol in your course.

When are semester results released? 

Results are released via ISIS to students at the end of each semester. Please see the ANU university calendar for exact dates.

The visibility of your results may be delayed if you have any outstanding fees and charges (e.g., SAF Fees, library fines, parking fines, etc.). Therefore, ensure these have been paid to receive your results promptly.

How do I extend my student visa? 

If you need to extend your student visa, you will have to fill out an Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) form and email it to CECC Student Services with a copy of your proposed study plan for the remainder of your program.

For details on further steps in this process, please visit the ANU eCoE Extension website.

What will happen if I have failed a course? 

The ANU College of Engineering Computing and Cybernetics and The Australian National University have multiple resources to support students mentally and academically throughout their program.

To find information on what to do if you find yourself failing a course, please visit the CECC failed courses webpage.

I’ve failed a course two times, how do I get permission to take it again? 

To seek permission to retake a course for the third time after two failed attempts, please see the ANU repeating a failed course website. As stated on the website, you must seek permission via the ‘Manage my Degree’ eForm on ISIS (Main Menu (compass button) > Navigator > ISIS > Degree Management > Manage my Degree).

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