Through our industry connections, students are offered opportunities to undertake internships and gain work experience to put their knowledge into practice. ANU students can receive credit towards their program through a Computing or Engineering Internship. 

The College sources internship placements with local and national organisations to give students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a professional work environment. 

Our students have gained invaluable experience, and made outstanding contributions to organisations across a range of industries and sectors. Placements are sourced across private enterprises, ACT and Federal Government departments and research agencies, start-ups and the not-for-profit sector. 

Companies who have hosted our interns include Cochlear, Dolby, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Royal Australian Mint, CEA Technologies, Thales, ThinkPlace, Seeing Machines, Australian Signals Directorate, Rexergy, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Access Canberra and Transport Canberra and City Services. 

Watch: internships and work-integrated learning at ANU

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