At ANU, our engineering students engage with organisations on innovative Capstone Design projects. 

In Capstone, students turn ideas into reality. Over a semester, our final-year engineering students work in teams to deliver value to ‘real-world’ clients. It’s designed to mimic an industrial design problem. 

More than just a course, it’s an authentic experience that equips students with the autonomy and skills to be successful graduates. Students count this experience towards their degree. Organisations can engage with students of diverse skill sets. Our clients also enjoy the potential for innovative solutions for their challenges. 

Visit the Capstone Design Project course page

Why our students love Capstone

In Capstone Design Project, you will work as an independent group to deliver value on a real-world project. Teams will work to define and scope their project in consultation with project clients, and tailor and manage system life-cycle processes to the delivery of the project.

“I saw a massive opportunity to help solve a problem and actively benefit so many people,” Alexander Ollman, member of Team TOTUS 2022.

“Capstone is an opportunity for our local industry partners to work with final-year students, benefiting from their systems engineering skills and from an on-going relationship with the ANU School of Engineering,” Dr Catherine Galvin.

Project spotlight

Would you trust AI to drive a semi trailer?

The coolest thing at Questacon is in the bin

Drone security leads to job security 6 months before graduation

Capstone students chart path to “Carbon Negative”

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