Welcome to ANU and to the College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics! Orientation Week (O-Week) is an opportunity to set some early goals, establish what you need to succeed and discover who is there to help when needed. It’s also about having fun, discovering and finding ways to connect with others as well as the wider ANU community.
When planning your O-Week consider these three important aspects:
Meet your college - College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics (CECC)
Attend the CECC Student Welcome event
Attend the CECC School of Computing Induction
Attend the CECC School of Engineering Induction
Drop in to the Student Services front counter on Level 2 of the CSIT to help out with any questions you may have
Life on campus - orientate yourself to CECC, ANU and Canberra
Attend a CECC precinct tour (computing and engineering focused), ANU campus tours and Canberra tours
Social connections - what interests and passions can you connect with at ANU?
Utilise the ANU O-Week calendar to check out the many events hosted during O-Week
CECC O-Week schedule and planning Prior to O-Week you should aim to have completed your enrolment and any administration requirements. Go to the CECC ‘Getting started’ page for more help.
CECC provides information sessions and various support services throughout your student journey with us. Please find below the links to all CECC orientation sessions in addition to the ANU Orientation Week website for a full schedule of events and activities happening across the campus.
If you are arriving late for O-Week you won’t miss out. See more information about late arrivals here.
Registration for events Please ensure you register using the Eventbrite links to all events.
We look forward to welcoming you to campus on Monday 12 February!