We are a research-intensive university and our research priorities reflect the challenges facing the world today.\
Our areas of expertise
The ANU College of Systems & Society is an interdisciplinary venture. Our College conducts research within its six schools. Each contains distinct activity clusters of academic and strategic focus.
School of Computing
School of Cybernetics
School of Engineering
Fenner School of Environment and Society
Mathematical Sciences Institute
Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science
Our people also engage in specialised research across multidisciplinary projects and strategic initiatives, including:
ANU Defence Institute
ANU Integrated AI Network
Agrifood Innovation Institute (formerly CEAT)
Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program
Humanising Machine Intelligence
InSpace: the ANU Institute for Space
Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions
Institute for Water Futures
Sustainable Farms
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific