Our Research & Development (R&D) program allows you to conduct individual research projects throughout your degree. Commencing in your second year, these research projects will form part of your coursework, exposing you to cutting-edge research alongside world-class academics, across many different disciplines. The projects may be undertaken within the School of Engineering, or more widely across the University.

You will complete 3-4 projects over 5 semesters, learning how to undertake research, while completing a degree that will perfectly position you for a career in industry. The program is also ideally suited to students thinking of undertaking a higher degree by research (PhD or MPhil).

We offer pathways into the Research and Development program. If you commence the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) program and achieve a High Distinction average in your first year, you may be eligible to transfer into the Research and Development program in your second year.

Students completed the Bachelor of Engineering (R&D) (Honours) are required to complete a specialisation from the following list:

Systems Engineering

Our unique systems engineering focus is embedded in our educational programs. Not only do our graduates attain deep expertise in their chosen discipline, they also learn to analyse and design complex systems that are grounded in their social, environmental, and economic contexts.

Work Integrated Learning

Work-integrated learning is an integral part of your learning experience. A requirement of Engineers Australia accreditation includes the completion of 12 weeks of full-time work experience outside of the university.

Capstone, completed in your final year of your studies, is considered the “pinnacle” of the engineering journey. Students serve as engineering consultant teams for industry and academic clients, developing conceptual designs, sub-system requirements, evaluate risk as well as manage quantitative trade-off analyses.


Our Research and Development (R&D) degrees have a strong professional focus leading to an easy transition into an R&D role as an Accredited Engineer in industry. Equally, the advanced nature of the program ensures those looking to undertake postgraduate research can move into academia.


This program is accredited by Engineers Australia. You may also apply to practice in a number of other countries through the ‘Washington Accord.’ It is recommended students confirm the accreditation requirements in their home country or state.

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