Our College provide services and resources to support the career of our academic staff. 


Academic promotions 

Research resources 

Teaching support 

  • ANU enhances learning and teaching for staff and students through professional development programs, education design, recognition of excellence, interactive learning, and education technology. Find out more about ANU learning and teaching  
  • The ANU Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) provides ANU staff with professional development opportunities aimed at facilitating, promoting and recognising excellence in University teaching and learning. 
  • Echo360 is the system used to record lectures and is installed in 92 ANU lecture venues. 

Outreach involvement 

  • Contact the College’s Marketing team to find out more about engaging with the media.  
  • ANU Committees: ANU has a number of committees that provide advice to the Council, the Academic Board and the Vice-Chancellor on a range of matters including Academic Board, teaching and learning development, University Education, and University Research.   

Communicating your research 

  • Update your School directory listing, a local-level webpage where you can showcase your biography and contact information. See the School of Engineering, School of Computing, and School of Cybernetics people directories. If you don’t have a people page in your affiliated School, reach out to the local School admin for assistance.
  • Update your ANU Researcher profile, a University-level webpage that features your research interests and outputs.  This resource is managed by the ANU Research Services Division. Contact rsd.ithelp@anu.edu.au for assistance logging in to manage your listing.
  • ResearchGate, Researcher ID, Google Scholar are platforms where you can increase your visibility and showcase your research. 
  • Increasing impact and engagement: a guide by the ANU Library. 
  • 3MT: Three Minute Thesis competition an international competition for higher degree research (PhD) candidates to develop presentation skills and showcase their research. 

Career development 

  • The ANU academic development page includes details of the ANU Educational Fellowship Scheme, ANU Educational Researcher Network and other relevant information on academic leadership and teaching. 
  • NECTAR (Network for Early Career Teachers, Academics & Researchers). The mentoring program is designed specifically to support the diverse career development needs of early-career research and teaching staff at ANU. 
  • ANU Centre for Learning & Teaching (CLT) acts as a knowledge, practice and support hub for educational design, digital technologies and pedagogy. It provides professional development and learning pathways for ANU academic staff to enhance their teaching. It also operates the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), which provides executive short courses and micro-learning opportunities to extend and enrich learning.
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