Biomedical optics collaboration between Dr Steve Lee & JCSMR

Biomedical optics collaboration between Dr Steve Lee & JCSMR
Biomedical optics collaboration between Dr Steve Lee & JCSMR

College of Engineering and Computer Science researcher, Dr Steve Lee, has formed a new collaboration in biomedical optics with medical researchers at the John Curtin School of Medical Research and Microscopy and Cytometry Resource Facility.

Biomedical optics merges the field of optical sciences with biological and medical research. The aim of biomedical optics is to harness the medicinal value of light for understanding, detecting and intervening with diseases in a living subject at the smallest detail and at the earliest time.

“This collaboration hopes to catalyse new synergies within ANU where innovative engineering meets the needs of modern medicine” said Dr Lee.

The initial collaborations will primarily be focused on establishing innovative biomedical imaging techniques within the Microscopy and Cytometry Resource Facility. Dr Lee is in the process of designing and building custom miniature endomicroscopes and high-speed laser scanning techniques to capture video of very fine cellular events with minimal invasiveness to the subject.

“This collaboration marks a step within ANU where state of the art optical technologies invented in the CECS engineering laboratories can be directly used by researchers at JCSMR. This will give medical researchers a leading edge in capturing subtle biological events that are otherwise not possible and also provide a platform for innovative technologies to be tested within pre-clinical settings” said Dr Lee.

The collaboration will also see Dr Lee further his work in other areas of laser-tissue interactions including laser gene transfection, laser tissue surgery and tissue optical clearing.

If you would like to find out more about the research and research opportunities please contactDr Steve Lee or see further information here.

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