ANU engineering graduate makes a difference to lives of students

ANU engineering graduate makes a difference to lives of students
ANU engineering graduate makes a difference to lives of students

Ben Gill has always been curious, wanted to understand how things work, and find ways to make improvements. He also wanted to make his mark on the University.

Ben has graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and a Bachelor of Science from the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science.

For the past two years, as the ANU Students’ Association President, he has worked hard create change to make ANU a better place for all students.

He is passionate about raising the awareness of mental health and developing ways to systematically address their prevalence among students

“Often students don’t know what is available until they really need it and we wanted to change that,” he said.

“In 2015, I was lucky enough to go to the International Youth Mental Health Conference in Montreal.”

He played a highly constructive role around reconciliation on campus over the past two years and was awarded the 2016 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Reconciliation.

Ben said his time at ANU has given him skills that would allow him to travel and make a positive impact in the world.

“I don’t know what is next in terms of my career. I will take a gap year post study to go to Africa to trek Mt Kilimanjaro,” he said.

“In the future I’d like to do a PhD linking mental health and technology. But I’m not sure when.”

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