Workshop helps to pinpoint the value of an idea

Workshop helps to pinpoint the value of an idea
Workshop helps to pinpoint the value of an idea

Richard Hume from the Canberra Innovation Network hosted a Value Proposition Workshop for over 35 attendees last Thursday. The session highlighted the importance of crafting and clearly pitching ideas and research to supervisors, external funding partners and anyone generally interested in hearing what you do.

By utilising a value proposition canvas, attendees were able to work through a series of stages to determine and articulate how an idea can create value to the end user. The session encouraged the use of this specialised methodology to effectively communicate an innovative concept to someone who has no technical or academic knowledge of the area of research.

Many attendees found the new way of thinking beneficial to communicating the ‘big impact’ results of their research, critical when seeking funding”, stated Erinn Stanford Warren, Business Development Manager and workshop organiser.

I was impressed by the simplified way to converge all the complex ideas about my research into one sentence of introduction. The one hour was very efficient as we were learning a new methodology at the same time as applying it to our research or proposed products. My mind is clear on how to use my research to relieve customers; pains after the workshop,stated Xiaolin Wang, Engineering PhD Graduate and workshop attendee.

If you would like to know more about pitching your idea or if you have further feedback relating to the Value Proposition Workshop please email Erinn.

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