ANU launches Semester 1, 2018 WeChat group at welcome lunch

ANU launches Semester 1, 2018 WeChat group at welcome lunch
ANU launches Semester 1, 2018 WeChat group at welcome lunch

The ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) welcomed new Semester 1, 2018 students who are currently undertaking the ANU College Access English program, at an informal pizza lunch on Tuesday 31 October 2017.

The lunch was organised by Ms Audrey Teo, International Marketing & Partnerships Coordinator and Ms Sara Zhou, ANU College Campus Bursar. This event gave students an opportunity to meet fellow students, CECS academics and student ambassadors, to network, get advice and find out more about the CECS.

The students were informed about the official ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) WeChat group created just for prospective students who will be commencing their studies in Semester 1, 2018. 

Students are welcome to share their experiences with ANU so far and discuss any queries they may have. 

| | | — | | How to join the Semester 1, 2018 WeChat group   Step 1: Add us on WeChat; ANU_CECS Step 2: When requesting to join the group, please state your full name, program name and ANU ID number. The ANU ID number is on your offer letter and it starts with ‘5’ or ‘6’. Step 3: Start meeting your new friends at ANU!   Please note: If you are unable to join the group, or would prefer to discuss your questions privately, please feel free to contact us at |

Thank you to our student ambassadors who have volunteered to manage the WeChat Group and a big welcome to all our new international students commencing studies next Semester!

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