Celebrating student achievement

Celebrating student achievement
Celebrating student achievement

On Wednesday 8 August, the 2018 Australian National University (ANU) College of Engineering and Computer Science Scholarship and Prizes Ceremony took place at University House.

Deputy Dean, Professor Thushara Abhayapala welcomed students, donors and guests to the event and congratulated 28 scholars on their outstanding achievements and dedication to their studies.

Recent computing graduate, Mehika Manocha received the Paul Thistlewaite Memorial Honours Year Scholarship. A scholarship that aims to encourage more women to study computer science.

Mehika said she felt privileged to receive recognition for the commitment to her studies. 

 “It is an amazing experience to receive this scholarship,” she said.  “It’s only offered to one female student at the College and it encourages women to feel confident enough to keep going and believe in what they can offer,” she said.

Mehika would like to complete a PhD in the future and has recently completed her honours year.

Bachelor of Engineering and Arts student, Thomas Larkin received the Dinkins Scholarship in Engineering. Established by entrepreneur, academic, and researcher Mr Glenn Dickins, the scholarship rewards those who actively engineer their own success.

Thomas said that he is grateful for the scholarship and is inspired by the donor’s entrepreneurial spirit. Thomas himself hopes to explore his own entrepreneurial work in the future.

 “Having the financial support, on top of the honour of receiving this scholarship has definitely increased my motivation,” he said

In the future, Thomas hopes to pursue “interesting projects that make a real impact to large groups of people” he said. He is also considering a Masters. “I like the idea of intense study and I like setting long-term goals, so the idea of studying for a clear purpose sounds quite appealing”.

Singaporean student Ming Wee is a recipient of the 2018 International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship.

Ming is undertaking a Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics and applied for the scholarship before commencing his studies.  “It’s one of the reasons I decided to study at ANU” he said.  “This lessens the burden for me as I’m the eldest in my family and I have three more siblings ready to study,” explained Ming. Ming will explore career in big data and aims be a data scientist for a global firm.

2018 College of Engineering and Computer Science Scholarship and Prize recipients:

Australian Computer Society (Canberra Branch) Prize for Computer Science

Donated by the Australian Computer Society, Canberra Branch

  • Max Wang

CEA Technologies Prize in Telecommunications

Donated by CEA Technologies

  • Haoran Jiang

Erin Brent Computer Science Prize

Donated by Mr Richard Brent

  • Samuel Toyer
  • Andrew Wrigley

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Prize

Donated by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET)

  • Lyle Halliday

Mechanical & Manufacturing Prize

Donated by Professor Michael Cardew-Hall

  • James Liu
  • Nicholas Rumsey-Hill

Oracle (Policy Automation) Prize in Computer Studies

Donated by Oracle

  • William James

Ian Ross Honours Scholarship

Donated by Mr Bodhi Philpot

  • Ian de Jongh
  • Jack Henderson
  • John Holmes
  • Hugh Johnson

Paul Thistlewaite Memorial Honours Year Scholarship

Donated by Ms Thena Kyprianou

  • Mehika Manocha

Dickins Scholarship in Engineering

Donated by Mr Glenn Dickins

  • Thomas Larkin

Natasha Linard Scholarship for Women in Engineering & Technology

Donated by Family, Friends and Alumni

  • Meh-Ara Taseer
  • Ellen Lynch
  • Emily Rose Rees

Lisa Brodribb Scholarship for Women in Engineering

Donated by ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science

  • Ruth Kravis

ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science International Postgraduate Excellence Award (China)

Donated by ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science

  • Rouyu Chen

ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science Research & Development Excellence Scholarship

Donated by ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science

  • Ethan Nguyen

ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship

Donated by ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science

  • Ammar Manazir
  • Ming Wei See

ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science International University Partnerships Scholarship

Donated by ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science

  • Adrien Cosson
  • Mae Loke
  • Yuying Qian
  • Xue Teh

ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science Mobility Scholarship, International Student Equity

Donated by ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science

  • Gurjeet Kaur

ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science International Excellence Scholarship

Donated by ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science

  • Kaushik Ghosh


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