CECS reaffirms commitment to gender equity

CECS reaffirms commitment to gender equity
CECS reaffirms commitment to gender equity

The College wishes to acknowledge the severity of the gender based challenges raised on International Women’s Day. We are aware of these cultural issues and are taking active steps to respond.

We know that we are coming off a low base, but we are committed to working inclusively and in an evidence-led way to improve the experience and diversity of the CECS student and staff cohort. The College is not shying away from its commitments to address ingrained diversity challenges and is approaching them head on. That’s why we have created the very first Associate Dean, Diversity and Inclusion position at the University, and established a Diversity and Inclusion Committee.  We are also committed to developing an integrated strategy founded on research. These are the first steps in improving the experience of women in the engineering and computing disciplines, striving for 50:50 participation by 2030.

If the content around culture and diversity raises any concerns, please reach out to the CECS AD Diversity and Inclusion

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