College excels in research rankings

College excels in research rankings
College excels in research rankings

The College of Engineering and Computer Science has received outstanding results in the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2018 assessment, conducted by the Australian Research Council (ARC).

The rigorous and academically led exercise is run every three years, and out of 21 broad areas of research assessed, ANU overall has received the highest possible rating in 15.

The ERA assessment identifies merit across the full spectrum of research areas, and compares Australia’s university research against international benchmarks.

Within the College, the broad fields that achieved the highest possible rating of 5 were ICS (08), Engineering (09) and Technology (10), demonstrating a research performance of well above world standard.

Many narrower research fields within the College also received a score of 5, including Nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing, Computer Software, Computation Theory, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, as well as Materials Engineering. Distributed Computing also performed very well, receiving a rating of 4, indicating performance above world standard.   

College Deputy Dean Professor Nick Birbilis acknowledged that fostering research is integral to the College’s future plans.

“Research is a key pillar from which we are launching the transformative Reimagine project, moving into new research areas and disciplines. This recognition gives us the endorsement to expand and continue to grow our research capabilities even further” he said.

 ANU Vice Chancellor Brian Schmidt said that the results show the strength and breadth of the University’s research capabilities, “Today’s ERA results confirm that ANU is at the forefront of Australia’s research excellence”.

“I am delighted for ANU and proud of my many colleagues across the HASS and STEM disciplines whose great work has been recognised in ERA 2018” he said.

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