New lab to help drive Australia's low carbon energy future

New lab to help drive Australia’s low carbon energy future
New lab to help drive Australia's low carbon energy future

The ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science is proud to announce a new million-dollar laboratory to further research on Australia’s low carbon energy system.

The Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Lab will be built on campus with the support of $1.5 million in ACT Government funding. The development was announced by Minister Mick Gentleman on Wednesday 4 September.

Dr Bjorn Sturmberg of the ANU Research School of Electrical, Energy and Materials Engineering will lead the DER Lab. He says it will provide a state-of-the art testing facility, which mirrors the energy grid for industry, researchers and regulators. 

“This lab will help develop and test the technologies and control systems needed for Australia’s future energy system,” he said.

Dr Sturmberg believes the research conducted in the lab will have a positive flow-on effect to everyday Australians. 

“The technologies developed in the DER Lab will lower consumers’ energy bills and create the secure, reliable and low-carbon energy system of tomorrow.”   

The facility builds on the capabilities of The Australian National University’s Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, led by Dr Lachlan Blackhall.

“The DER Lab is a great example of how industry, academia and government can work closely together to achieve important outcomes on a national scale,” Dr Blackhall said.

ANU Provost Professor Mike Calford thanked Minister Gentleman and the ACT Government for their major investment.

“The DER Lab will extend the ACT’s leadership in accelerating Australia’s renewable energy economy and industry, and help set up Canberra as the epicentre for this increasingly important field,” he said.

Professor Calford also reiterated the commitment from ANU to be at the forefront of energy technology in Australia, and help combat climate change.

“The DER Lab will not only develop solutions that renew our energy industry and use – it will help make a major difference to the lives of all Australians and safeguard our environment.

“I applaud the ACT Government and Minister Gentleman for their vision. ANU stands ready to help drive this vision.” 

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