Graduate profile: Liam Highmore

Graduate profile: Liam Highmore
Graduate profile: Liam Highmore

Liam Highmore has just graduated with a combined Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanics & Materials) and Bachelor of Business Administration.

We asked Liam a few questions about his time at ANU and his plans for the future.

What facet of engineering interests you?

I have always loved learning about different cultures and interacting with people from all around the world. What better way to do this then studying humanitarian engineering!

A humanitarian engineer is someone who applies their engineering skills and knowledge to meet the needs of a person or community in a developing context. It’s not all about simply building houses for people in developing countries. A greater focus is placed on the process involved and usually places the human or community at the heart of the design process.

What have you learned from your time at ANU?

I think if anything, my time at ANU has given me a taste of what the world could look like in the future.

Many people may not realise it, but we are currently living in a really interesting time with the ability to essentially create the wold that we want to live in. This is incredibly exciting and I honestly can’t wait to start contributing to tomorrow’s sustainable society.

Why do you think the world needs engineers?

Engineers are uniquely placed in society, as they have both an ability and responsibility to make the world a better place. 

Many, if not all, of the sustainable development goals can be achieved through engineering, which in itself highlights the importance of having engineers passionate and driven to create a better society.

Where next?

Next year I will be moving to Melbourne having received a graduate position at Telstra. I am also planning to continue my research with Engineers Without Borders into assistive technology, particularly how it is being adopted in places like Cambodia.

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