The most in-demand qualifications in a pandemic: data and emerging tech short courses at ANU

The most in-demand qualifications in a pandemic: data and emerging tech short courses at ANU
The most in-demand qualifications in a pandemic: data and emerging tech short courses at ANU

The current global pandemic has taught us many things, from both societal and individual perspectives. But one thing it’s made clear to the uninitiated, is the importance of data and analytics, and in particular, how organisations can leverage their data and emerging technology to deliver impact and change. 

This has spurred the already rampant growth in the use of data and analytics across most industries and domains. We’re seeing unprecedented growth in a number of related roles, from Data Scientists, and Data Engineers, to Machine Learning experts and Applied Data Analytics professionals. 

As an analytics leader and educator, it’s been exciting to watch the increasing popularity of the analytics discipline to become one of the most in-demand qualifications. This surge in popularity has awakened or stirred in many an interest in data analysis, modelling, and coding.

There’s never been a better time to retrain, skill up, or gain vital new knowledge, so you can better understand AI technology, or the work that your team and colleagues are doing. 

It’s been predicted that in the next decade Australia will need up to 160,000 specialist AI workers, with analytics, data engineering and machine learning underpinning these roles. So, if you want play a key part in the AI workforce of the future, then study one the new short postgraduate courses at The Australian National University (ANU). Choose from: 

They only take 1 year to complete part-time and are delivered online, with courses commencing 22 February 2021.  

Enrol now. Applications close 31 January 2021.

Find out more and apply, at

By Dr Alex Antic, Head of Data Science at ANU

Twitter: @DrAlexAntic

LinkedIn: in/alexantic

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