ANU joins global systems engineering network


ANU joins global systems engineering network
ANU joins global systems engineering network

The Australian National University (ANU) is pleased to join the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) as a member organisation.

Systems engineering is the discipline of how to design, build, test and operate trans-disciplinary engineered systems from the scale of individual products up to large-scale interconnected systems.

At ANU, we take a modern multidisciplinary systems approach to educating the engineers of the 21st century and beyond. Our programs – including the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Graduate Certificate of Systems Engineering – provide graduates with the skills and knowledge to understand and engineer a smarter, safer, healthier world.

INCOSE (pronounced in-co-see) is the largest global systems engineering network, with a vision of creating a better world through a systems approach. The not-for-profit membership organisation works to address complex societal and technical challenges by enabling, promoting, and advancing systems engineering and systems approaches.

INCOSE has grown a global community of more than 18,000 members in 68 countries. Its members are diverse: from student to senior practitioner, from technical engineer to program and corporate management, and from science and engineering to business development.

ANU is proud to join the INCOSE Corporate Advisory Board and Academic Council branch. These groups share a common objective to improve the content, education, and practice of systems engineering.

Dr Jeremy Smith, Senior Lecturer and Reimagine Fellow at the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, has been appointed as our local representative.

To learn more about the global network, visit

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