Solar Racing at ANU

Solar Racing at ANU
Solar Racing at ANU

Solar Racing at ANU

by Aiden Matson, ANU Solar Racing

Four years ago I was in your shoes, finishing my high school studies and applying for universities the following year. I couldn’t make it to the campus for the 2017 Open Day, I remember looking through the University website to get a ‘feel’ for the ANU.

If you’re doing the same, we have put together a video introducing you to one of my favourite things at the ANU: the solar racing team.

When I was in high school I worked out that I wanted to be using and designing machines in my career, and an engineering degree could get me there. I had built a model solar car with some classmates and really enjoyed thinking up a design, drawing out a plan, then making it race.

I found out that the ANU has a solar racing team which competes on the international stage, racing from Darwin to Adelaide in a solar car we build ourselves. I was sold!

In the video, we show you the 2019 car SuperCharge 2. Racing this solar car across the outback has been the highlight of my time at university.

I am now the longest serving member of ANU Solar Racing. Right now we are assembling our third car, Spirit. You can get a sneak peak of some parts I have been making in the video, but you’ll have to wait for the launch to see this new absolute sleeper of a car.

This student-run project has been a great compliment to my engineering degree. I can implement the concepts I learn in course work and see how they apply to a real engineering project. Practicing engineering design, applying systems frameworks, optimising vehicle aero, manufacturing with exotic materials and negotiating six-figure contracts with big companies has enhanced my skills as a prospective engineer. The ANU has so many world-class academics supporting our projects, and the students from across Australia and around the world bring a great range of skills to our teams.

The ANU has so many clubs and teams offering opportunities like this, accepting students from any year of study and degree program.

If this video inspires you to get involved in solar racing, just as I was inspired a number of years ago, drop a line to let us know you’re interested.

I can be reached at, our project lead Ruby can be reached at We can answer your questions about solar racing, living and learning at the ANU, and Ruby might even give you a virtual tour of our workshop!

Aiden Matson

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