You will be surprised to find that ANU can offer you more than your imagination

Drawn by her passion for creating and sharing knowledge, Ankita sought The Australian National University (ANU) not only for its research opportunities but its excellent infrastructure and collaborative research environment that supports both personal and professional growth.

Ankita is completing her PhD in Nanomaterials for energy application and during 2017 she competed in the Three Minute Thesis competition, where she explained her PhD “Green Energy: Is it completely green?”

“As consumers are becoming increasingly dependent on energy resources, pollution generated from burning fossil fuels is emerging as a global challenge and alternative solutions for clean energy is needed to be developed” explains Ankita. As such Ankita hopes to “create green nanoparticles for solar energy storage, creating a clean and sustainable future”.

Ankita has found a wonderful support network within ANU that forms a “competitive yet supportive work culture striving to achieve perfection but are motivated, compassionate and kind.”

“ANU has the best environment for both personal and professional growth. You will meet amazing scientists, mentors and friends. With their support you will find it easy to achieve your career and life goals,” said Ankita.

After the completion of her PhD, Ankita wishes to “work extensively in the education sector, inspiring future generations”.

ANU has presented Ankita with opportunities to further her teaching career from tutoring various undergraduate and graduate courses to attending and presenting in various seminars led by the Research and Skills Training Centre. With the support of ANU and its facilities, Ankita was awarded the Associate Fellowship of Higher Education Academy, UK.

Ankita’s advice for prospective PhD students: “Talk to your supervisor, your college HDR team, research support centres and explore the various possibilities. You will be surprised to find that ANU can offer you more than your imagination”.

Click here for more information on completing a PhD at the ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics.

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