Cybernetics is at the heart of our work and it’s a tool that sparks new ways of thinking and doing, and new possibilities for the future.
— Distinguished Professor Genevieve Bell

The Master of Applied Cybernetics offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be a part of a new generation of practitioners with the skills and knowledge needed to help ensure new technological systems are safe, sustainable and responsible.

Established in 2021, the Cybernetics programs blend education, research and engagement to support students, collaborators and publics to tackle the challenges posed by technology at scale. Focussing on systems – rather than specific technologies, or disciplines—as the unit of analysis.

Learn more and apply now.

About the program

The master’s program is a year-long, full-time immersive experience, held on campus at the newly refurbished ANU Birch Building. It is the first of its kind and the only master’s program in applied cybernetics in the world. This program establishes cybernetics as a key tool for major societal transformations, through capability building, policy development and safe, sustainable and responsible approaches to new technological systems, like AI and the metaverse.

Students have the option to complete a larger research and/or industry project by undertaking the Master of Applied Cybernetics (Advanced) which is an 18-month full-time equivalent study period. Past students from this program have collaborated with partners as diverse as the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Google Research, Australian Institute of Marine Science, and CSIRO, among others.

Who should apply?

Our cohorts have previously been composed of students from diverse backgrounds; lawyers, policymakers, start-up founders, activists, journalists, and artists.These cohorts have gone on to hold senior leadership roles in digital, data and AI in federal and state governments, digital non-profits and industry, as well as on to study PhDs with top Australian Universities.

We welcome applications from candidates who do not have undergraduate degrees or have pursued non-traditional academic pathways but have met the professional experience levels of assumed knowledge. Entry to the program is by competitive application only, and the number of students is strictly limited to less than 20.

For more information Visit the School of Cybernetics website.

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