Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics is a broad-based data analytics program that addresses the full lifecycle of data science and analytics, including framing data questions, collecting or repurposing data, analysing data with a range of statistical and AI methods, and using data to monitor outcomes of interventions taken, with applications in social policy. Further it offers knowledge and experience with a wider range of commercial and open-source analytics tools. 

You will learn to inform and deliver high-quality, data-informed decision-making. This program includes courses in computing, statistics, and social science. These highly sought-after skills can be applied in careers across business, government, and community – including finance, health, and national security. 

Career outcomes

The Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics is an inter-disciplinary degree that is designed to address a global shortage of graduates with skills in data analytics as applied to high-quality, data-informed decision-making. It is designed to develop inter-disciplinary knowledge across the three base disciplines of computing, statistics and social science. Our graduates will be ideally positioned to enter into jobs such as a Technology Entrepreneur, Database Administrator and Developer, Policy Analyst, Information and Data Analyst and Data Scientist.

Program details

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