Dean’s Awards for Professional Staff procedure

Dean’s Awards for Professional Staff procedure
Dean’s Awards for Professional Staff procedure


The operation of the College hinges upon the diverse skills, commitment, and dedicated efforts of CECC professional staff. Their contributions ensure the delivery of professional support to students, academics, the ANU community, and each other. Individuals and teams displaying an exceptional level of service should be recognised and celebrated by the College community.

Who are the Awards open to?

The awards are open to all members of CECC professional staff, whether they are full-time, part-time, or casual employees. 

Read about previous recipients 2021

Read about previous recipients 2022

Award categories

Employee Appreciation Award

This award celebrates a staff member who continues to make a positive difference in the College community. They work diligently (often behind the scenes) and approach every task they undertake with enthusiasm, regardless of its nature. This staff member’s exceptional dependability in carrying out crucial responsibilities serves as a key pillar in keeping the College operations running smoothly.

Excellence in Collaboration and Connection Award

This award recognises a member of the college community who has successfully built connections and actively collaborated with others within and/or outside the University. This could include; breaking down silos and developing beneficial relationships outside their team, area or college and/or proactively connecting and actively collaborating to resolve a shared problem or achieve a shared goal.

Innovation Impact Award

This award is for a staff member who has thought outside the box to initiate and implement innovative initiatives and/or process improvement. This staff member is continually looking for ways to improve, streamline or simplify complex processes as well as develop new approaches to improve operations or service delivery.

Emerging Star Award

This award acknowledges a remarkable level of dedication and service in the College by a staff member who is in the early stages of their career. They have displayed a promising potential for excellence through the provision of exceptional support services and work outputs that go beyond what is expected. To qualify for the “Emerging Service Star”, the staff member should hold a position of ANUO6/7 or lower for a minimum of 3 consecutive months and no more than 2 years.

Team Excellence Award

This award highlights a remarkable level of dedication and commitment within the College from a team of professional staff. They have demonstrated exceptional transformative and innovative work outputs, coupled with a commitment to delivering support services of the highest quality that far surpass expectations.

Team: a team may include two or more members from different parts of the College and does not need to be made up entirely of the members of an established Unit of the College.  


Any member or members of the College community, including coursework and HDR students, can nominate professional staff members. Nomination submissions should be no more than 250 words, and should address the criteria specific to the nominated award. 

Prizes and presentation of Awards

The prizes for award winners in each category will receive the following:

  • Employee Appreciation Award: A $1,000 Gift Card along with a Certificate of Achievement.
  • Excellence in Collaboration and Connection Award: A $1,000 Gift Card and a Certificate of Excellence.
  • Innovation Impact Award: A $1,000 Gift Card accompanied by a Certificate of Innovation.
  • Emerging Star Award: A $500 Gift Card in recognition of your outstanding performance, accompanied by a Certificate of Achievement.
  • Team Excellence Award: Winners will be treated to a celebratory lunch organized by the Dean’s Office, generously covered by the College, and receive a Certificate of Team Excellence.

In addition, all commendable achievements will be acknowledged with a Certificate. 

These accomplishments will be featured in the college newsletter and showcased at a College event suited to celebrate these achievements.

Process of selection

The panel consists of the College General Manager as Chair, along with an academic from each School and an external professional staff member (level 8 or above). This panel will carefully assess all submitted nominations and provide their recommendations to the College Dean for the final decision. 

Please note that in any category, the Dean may elect to confer more than one prize for that category. 

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