If you can’t find the answer to your query on our webpages, please email the relevant School Higher Degree Research (HDR) Services team for further assistance.

Who can I contact regarding my application or other aspects of the application process?

You can email the School HDR teams;

HDR Admin - [Computing] (mailto:hdradmin.comp@anu.edu.au); HDR Admin - [Engineering] (hdradmin.eng@anu.edu.au); HDR Admin – [Cybernetics] (hdradmin.cybernetics@anu.edu.au).

The HDR Administration team receives a high volume of email enquiries, so it may take a few days to receive and answer to your query. In the meantime, please review the College and ANU websites to check if there is relevant information already available to you.

Am I admissible to an HDR program?

Please view the pre-application tab and check the self-assessment flow chart to determine if you may be admissible. If you are considered not admissible for MPhil/PhD entry at this time, please consider completing a Masters by Coursework degree. After completing this degree, you may be considered admissible into the MPhil/PhD program. Note that even if you meet admissibility requirements, the College may not be able to accept your application due to a lack of resources or adequate supervision to support your program of study.

Are there English language requirements to study at ANU?

All applicants, whether domestic or international, must provide evidence that their English language ability meets the minimum requirements for admission. The English Language Requirements for Students policy outlines approved methods for meeting the English requirements.

How do I find a supervisor to support my research application?

You will need to contact relevant academics in your research field. In your discussions with them, they will determine whether your background and experience is significant enough to submit a competitive application for further assessment. You will find a list of research areas on our website. Please review the pre-application tab for more information.

How do I submit an application?

If believe you meet eligibility requirements and you have secured the support of an academic to supervise your study, you may submit a formal application for the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program through the ANU application portal. Please see the ANU HDR application advisory page for more information.

School of Engineering

School of Computing

School of Cybernetics

A complete application includes:

  • An application submitted through the ANU application portal
  • A current CV
  • A research proposal
  • Colour copies of all transcripts and completion certificates of prior study, in original language and official English translations
  • 3 complete referee reports (Referees are nominated through the application portal).

If the HDR Administration team receives an incomplete application, we will contact the applicant and give them 30 days to provide the outstanding documentation. We recommend submitting your application at least two weeks prior to scholarship application deadlines to give your referees time to provide their references for you.

What scholarships are available for me to support my study at ANU?

You can search for scholarship opportunities on the ANU scholarships page. There may be additional scholarship opportunities listed on the College scholarships page. You may also be eligible for scholarship opportunities external to ANU. Applicants will be considered for all internal scholarships available if they indicate on their application that they want a scholarship.

Applicants should note that our scholarship rounds are extremely competitive. In general scholarships are awarded to the top 10-15% of applicants, depending on the number of applications submitted and the number of available scholarships.

What are the scholarship application cut-off dates?

International Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship

International students applying for this scholarship will need to have their complete application and all supporting documents including referee reports submitted no later than 31 August.

Domestic Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships

Australian citizens, Permanent Residents and New Zealand citizens will need to have their complete application and all supporting documents including referee reports submitted no later than 31 October.

Other scholarship round deadlines will be according to the scholarships listed on the College scholarships page.

Applications that are incomplete at the deadline will not be considered for scholarship under any circumstances.

Do I have to translate my documents into English?

Documents that are not in English must be translated by a National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) translator who is registered to translate the document language to and from English. You must submit certified copies of both the original language documents and the English translation.

My offer is about to expire, how do I request a new offer?

You will need to provide a valid reason for your delayed arrival. If your supporting supervisor supports your Change of Admit Term, please email the relevant School HDR Administrative Team with evidence of the supervisor’s support. If you are eligible for a Change of Admit Term, you will receive a new offer letter within three to four weeks of the request. Please be advised that Changing your Admit Term may cause you to forfeit a scholarship that may have been awarded to you by the University. Please indicate in your email if you have been awarded a scholarship.

Want more information on studying at ANU and living in Canberra?

Information on living in Canberra, studying at ANU, accommodation options and more can be found at the ANU Study webpage.

Where can I find the University rules governing graduate research at ANU?

The University rules governing graduate research at ANU can be found at Graduate Research Award Rules.

What are the tuition fees for HDR students?

Domestic students (Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and New Zealand citizens) are not required to pay tuition fees for graduate research study as they are covered by the Australian Government Research Training Scheme (RTS). International students are required to pay tuition fees unless they are in receipt of a tuition fee waiver scholarship. Information on fees can be found on the Programs and Courses page for our HDR programs.

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